
4,258 ft | Mach 0.67

Plot of launch 6 data

Flight #6 was conducted at the Lucerne Dry Lake launch site. The launch was documented by a pad-side Go Pro camera, a video taken on my cell phone, and was the first launch to include the use of an onboard camera. All of this footage can be seen below.

The payload bay carried a Charlie Brown figurine that has flown on every flight and a Stratologger CF dual deployment flight computer. Both performed admirably and without incident.

The flight was a partial success. One connection between the top and bottom sections of the rocket was missed during assembly and prep. This means that the lower half of the rocket remained connected to the drouge parachute which deployed at apogee and the upper, nose cone section (which houses the flight computer) tumbled back until the main parachute deployment at 700 ft above ground level. This can be seen in the data plot by comparing the steep slope of the altitude line and squiggley-ness of the velocity line between the drouge & main deployments compared to a nominal flight. Fortunately, the electronics and rocket were not damaged.

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