Charlie Horse

Level 1 & 2 Certification Rocket

Still photo of a rocket launch

I built this rocket in 2016 from a Madcow Torrent kit and dubbed it "Charlie Horse." The rocket's maiden voyage was in August of that year and earned me a Tripoli Level 1 certification. Charlie Horse has flown over 10 times to date and has carried various payloads including a camera, GPS trackers, and a Charlie Brown figurine (who has been on every flight).

More details from each flight including data plots, photos, and videos are available in the Charlie Horse Flight Log. A video made from footage of Charlie Horse's 10th flight is available here. On November 7, 2020 Charlie Horse became my first rocket to fly faster than Mach 1.0!

Other Solid Rockets

High & Low Power

In addition to Charlie Horse, I have built several other low-, medium-, and high-power rockets. Some have flown several times, and others are in various stages of construction.

I attempt to use each new build as a chance to learn and test out new construction techniques. I like the challenge of building rockets, and getting to launch the result several feet into the sky is an added benefit!

Launch of Estes rocket with TAM students

Level 3 Certification

Wildman Shapeshifter Kit

Construction has begun on the rocket kit that I intend to complete and fly to earn my Level 3 high power rocket certification. So far, the 98 mm motor mount (which is roughly the same size as Charlie Horse's outer diameter!) has been epoxied to centering rings. Other construction has been paused until I have found a mentor to personally sign off on my Level 3 certification.

Other design decisions have been made in the meantime such as flight computers, motor selection, and GPS tracking modules. Considerations have also been made for cameras on-board as well as near the launch pad to fully capture the results. The process will be documented, and I intend to publish it on this site afterwards.

Motor mount for level 3 rocket

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