
3,112 ft | Mach 0.47

Plot of launch 14 data

Flight #14 was conducted at the Lucerne Dry Lake launch site. A Go Pro camera was set up to take video beside the launch pad. The launch was documented by a pad-side Go Pro camera and a cell phone video from the spectator area. This launch took place on my birthday, which was a nice full-circle moment because Charlie Horse was originally meant to fly from ROC on my birthday in 2016, but that launch was canceled due to weather.

The payload bay carried a Charlie Brown figurine that has flown on every flight and a Stratologger CF dual deployment flight computer which performed as expected and without issues.

The desire for a birthday launch outweighed any concerns about the high wind that was present that day, and as a result the launch weather-cocked heavily into the wind (which is intended in the design). Not intended in the design was the fact that the wind dragged Charlie Horse across the playa after it landed on the ground, breaking one fin and removing a line of paint as shown in a photo below. I like to think of that as a "racing stripe" and obiviously Charlie Horse will be flying much faster now with this stylish stripe once the fin is repaired.

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