
2,535 ft | Mach 0.46

Plot of launch 1 data

Flight #1 of the X2 was conducted at the Reaction Research Society Mojave Test Area launch site. The launch was documented by a pad-side Go Pro video camera, and still photos captured by Xavier Marshall on his camera. The rocket was named the X2 after the Bell X-1, and painted to mimic its namesake, because it was expected to be my first rocket to break the sound barrier. However, on the launch day I opted to put a less powerful motor in this rocket. The powerful J520 motor flew on my other rocket Charlie Horse that day - a flight which became my first to break the sound barrier!

This was the first flight I've used with a Missileworks RRC3 dual deployment flight computer, and it performed exactly as expected.

The flight was a complete success! The drouge parachute deployed at apogee, the main parachute deployed 500 ft AGL, and the rocket was recovered with the only damage being a minor rash on the paint job and a new, thin layer of dust. I think it's looking better with these additions, personally.

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