The HAWK's Story

The HAWK, standing at 14-feet tall and 8-inches in diameter is the largest rocket I have built to date. Honoring Aviation, the Wrights, and Kinetics the "H.A.W.K." was constructed in 2021 from a Wildman Jumbo Dark Star kit. It is my first (and currently only) rocket that flies on a massive 98-mm motor. After an initial launch in late November 2021 to work out the logistics of how to launch such a massive rocket, the HAWK was used for a symbolic launch on December 17, 2021: the 118th anniversary of the first powered, heavier-than-air flight in a manned aircraft conducted by my great-great granduncles Orville & Wilbur Wright.

That day, during flight #2, the HAWK carried a few small pieces of fabric that had originally covered the 1903 Wright Flyer during its historic first flight and remained in the family. My mother, another Wright descendent, traveled from Minnesota to witness the launch. I commemorated the launch with a video available to view on my Youtube channel.

More details from each flight including data plots, photos, and videos are available in the links below. A description and photos of each flight can be accessed by clicking on the links in the Launch # column below.

Launch # Date Motor Location Max Alt (ft) Mach
2 12/17/2021 CTI N2600-Skid MTA 7,851 0.7
1 11/28/2021 CTI M1790-Skid MTA 4,846 0.5

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